Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

Quality Management System

A quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent is required.


The seller reserves the right to increase prices when increasing costs necessitate an increase in price.


Method of shipping is to be designated by the seller unless specified by purchaser.


Unless specified otherwise, delivery is F.O.B. our plant. Although shipping dates are approximate, we will strive to honour them. However, we shall not be held responsible for delay in delivery caused by circumstances beyond our control.


An order shall be deemed a covenant between purchaser and seller. Consequently, the seller’s consent is required for any cancellation, change to or reduction in the amount of an order. The seller may at his discretion levy a cancellation fee. Goods manufactured to the purchaser’s specifications cannot be cancelled.


Any expense or loss resulting from the infringement of patents or trademarks arising from compliance with the purchaser’s designs, specifications or instructions rests with the purchaser.

Limitation of Liability

Unless specifically agreed to in writing, the seller will not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, contingent liability, or labour costs, for any cause whatsoever, in respect of standard inventory parts or special parts supplied. The seller’s liability arising out of any sale of products to the Purchaser is expressly limited to either:

  • A Refund of the purchase price paid by the purchaser for such products, or
  • Repair and/or replacement of such products, at the seller’s election, and such remedies shall be exclusive and in lieu of all others.

Purchaser Shall Indemnify, Defend and Hold Seller Harmless from Any Claims brought by any party regarding products supplied by seller and incorporated into the purchaser’s product or resold by the purchaser.


The purchaser acknowledges that it has not relied on the seller’s skill or judgment in furnishing goods for any particular purpose and the seller does not warrant the goods furnished hereunder to be fit for any particular purpose. In particular, where the goods furnished hereunder are only a constituent element or component part of a finished product, the seller does not warrant the goods finished hereunder to be suitable for such application.

Ownership of Goods

Title of goods remains with the seller until payment is received.
Any purchase order or order with terms or conditions that conflict with outlined above are considered void by RAVI PRODUCTS.